No transparency in animated gif with Tkinter No transparency in animated gif with Tkinter tkinter tkinter

No transparency in animated gif with Tkinter

Looks like you need to supply a mask for the paste operation:

from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTkclass MyLabel(Label):    def __init__(self, master, filename):        im =        seq =  []        try:            while 1:                seq.append(im.copy())       # skip to next frame        except EOFError:            pass # we're done        try:            self.delay =['duration']        except KeyError:            self.delay = 100        first = seq[0].convert('RGBA')        self.frames = [ImageTk.PhotoImage(first)]        Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.frames[0])        lut = [1] * 256        lut[["transparency"]] = 0        temp = seq[0]        for image in seq[1:]:            mask = image.point(lut, "1")            # point() is used to map image pixels into mask pixels            # via the lookup table (lut), creating a mask            # with value 0 at transparent pixels and            # 1 elsewhere            temp.paste(image, None, mask) #paste with mask            frame = temp.convert('RGBA')            self.frames.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(frame))        self.idx = 0        self.cancel = self.after(1000,    def play(self):        self.config(image=self.frames[self.idx])        self.idx += 1        if self.idx == len(self.frames):            self.idx = 0        self.cancel = self.after(self.delay,        root = Tk()anim = MyLabel(root, 'tumblr_m3i10ma4fI1qe0eclo1_r9_500.gif')anim.pack()def stop_it():    anim.after_cancel(anim.cancel)Button(root, text='stop', command=stop_it).pack()root.mainloop()