Notebook widget in Tkinter Notebook widget in Tkinter tkinter tkinter

Notebook widget in Tkinter

On recent Python (> 2.7) versions, you can use the ttk module, which provides access to the Tk themed widget set, which has been introduced in Tk 8.5.

Here's how you import ttk in Python 2:

import ttkhelp(ttk.Notebook)

In Python 3, the ttk module comes with the standard distributions as a submodule of tkinter.

Here's a simple working example based on an example from the TkDocs website:

from tkinter import ttkimport tkinter as tkfrom tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledTextdef demo():    root = tk.Tk()    root.title("ttk.Notebook")    nb = ttk.Notebook(root)    # adding Frames as pages for the ttk.Notebook     # first page, which would get widgets gridded into it    page1 = ttk.Frame(nb)    # second page    page2 = ttk.Frame(nb)    text = ScrolledText(page2)    text.pack(expand=1, fill="both")    nb.add(page1, text='One')    nb.add(page2, text='Two')    nb.pack(expand=1, fill="both")    root.mainloop()if __name__ == "__main__":    demo()

Another alternative is to use the NoteBook widget from the tkinter.tix library. To use tkinter.tix, you must have the Tix widgets installed, usually alongside your installation of the Tk widgets. To test your installation, try the following:

from tkinter import tixroot = tix.Tk()'package require Tix')

For more info, check out this webpage on the PSF website.

Note that tix is pretty old and not well-supported, so your best choice might be to go for ttk.Notebook.

If anyone still looking, I have got this working as Tab in tkinter. Play around with the code to make it function the way you want (for example, you can add button to add a new tab):

from tkinter import *class Tabs(Frame):    """Tabs for testgen output"""    def __init__(self, parent):        super(Tabs, self).__init__()        self.parent = parent        self.columnconfigure(10, weight=1)        self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1)        self.curtab = None        self.tabs = {}        self.addTab()                        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, padx=5, pady=5)    def addTab(self):        tabslen = len(self.tabs)        if tabslen < 10:            tab = {}            btn = Button(self, text="Tab "+str(tabslen), command=lambda: self.raiseTab(tabslen))            btn.grid(row=0, column=tabslen, sticky=W+E)            textbox = Text(self.parent)            textbox.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=10, rowspan=2, sticky=W+E+N+S, in_=self)            # Y axis scroll bar            scrollby = Scrollbar(self, command=textbox.yview)            scrollby.grid(row=7, column=5, rowspan=2, columnspan=1, sticky=N+S+E)            textbox['yscrollcommand'] = scrollby.set            tab['id']=tabslen            tab['btn']=btn            tab['txtbx']=textbox            self.tabs[tabslen] = tab            self.raiseTab(tabslen)    def raiseTab(self, tabid):        print(tabid)        print("curtab"+str(self.curtab))        if self.curtab!= None and self.curtab != tabid and len(self.tabs)>1:                self.tabs[tabid]['txtbx'].lift(self)                self.tabs[self.curtab]['txtbx'].lower(self)        self.curtab = tabiddef main():    root = Tk()    root.geometry("600x450+300+300")    t = Tabs(root)    t.addTab()    root.mainloop()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()

While it may not help you at the moment, tk 8.5 comes with an extended set of widgets. This extended set is available with tk 8.4 by way of an extension known as "tile". Included in the extended set of widgets is a notebook widget. Unfortunately, at this time Tkinter by default uses a fairly old version of Tk that doesn't come with these widgets.

There have been efforts to make tile available to Tkinter. Check out For another similar effort see Also, for a taste of how these widgets look (in Ruby, Perl and Tcl) see

Tk 8.5 is a huge improvement over stock Tk. It introduces several new widgets, native widgets, and a theming engine. Hopefully it will be available by default in Tkinter some day soon. Too bad the Python world is lagging behind other languages.

update: The latest versions of Python now include support for the themed widgets out of the box. _