Open txt file through Tkinter GUI Open txt file through Tkinter GUI tkinter tkinter

Open txt file through Tkinter GUI

So if you want to do something to the file the operations will happen in function openInstruktion.

def openInstrucktion():    f= open("instruktioner.txt")    #t is a Text widget    t.insert(1.0,

Or if you want to open it with an editor:

def openInstrucktion():    os.system('emacs instrucktioner.txt')

If you want to open the file with the default program, you could use the os module:

def openInstruktion():    from os import startfile    startfile("c:\\path\\to\\file")instruktionBtn = Button(root, text='Spelinstruktioner', command=openInstruktion)instruktionBtn.grid(row=6, column=0)

or, if you want to open it with a specific program, try the subprocess module:

def openInstruktion():    from subprocess import call    call("notepad c:\\path\\to\\file")instruktionBtn = Button(root, text='Spelinstruktioner', command=openInstruktion)instruktionBtn.grid(row=6, column=0)

If you want to open it in a textbox however, you could do something like this:

file = open("c:\\path\\to\\file").read()textbox.insert(0.0, file)

Your best bet would probably be to open it in the default editor (opening it with a different program may not be what people want and opening it in a textbox has poor graphics).

If you want to open the file in the default editor(it always best to use the default one only)

def openInstrucktion():    os.system('start " " instruktioner.txt')