Opening *.py file "created initially by Tkinter" in QT design and convert it to *.ui Opening *.py file "created initially by Tkinter" in QT design and convert it to *.ui tkinter tkinter

Opening *.py file "created initially by Tkinter" in QT design and convert it to *.ui

Nope. Sorry :-(

Qt Designer is XML based. Consider what would be required to convert a TKinter app to Qt. You'd have to analyse the Python source code including all the logic, and then try to determine the logic to see which elements are actually displayed. For example, I could do:

  if third_tuesday_of_the_month_and_full_moon():      tk.Label(...)

How should this be imported? Should we ask? Should we assume something?


  • Not all Tkinter widgets and options for them have something that maps 1-to-1 with what Qt has.
  • Some programming paradigms are quite different from Tkinter and Qt. You can't just convert this automatically.

So you'll have to start over I'm afraid.