Progress bar lagging with computationally intensive function on separate thread tkinter Progress bar lagging with computationally intensive function on separate thread tkinter tkinter tkinter

Progress bar lagging with computationally intensive function on separate thread tkinter

Okay, so after doing some research I found out that pyradiomics has a flag that prohibits this kind of rapid task switching, and therefore threading is not a viable solution. To solve the problem, as furas recommended, I implemented multiprocessing (pooling, in fact!). This not only allowed me to have the progress bar run without any lag, but also enabled dividing up the computation across cores, speeding up my implementation greatly. The syntax is very similar to that of threading, with one main exception that caused me a lot of grief before I figured it out. Variables are not inherited by child processes! Therefore, should I want to get a value from an Entry or something, I would have to explicitly pass it in to the child process. Past that, there really aren't that many changes. Instead of threading just use the associated process thing (Process instead of Thread, multiprocessing.Queue instead of queue). No lag, and greater efficiency!