PyGTK, wxPython or Tkinter? [closed] PyGTK, wxPython or Tkinter? [closed] tkinter tkinter

PyGTK, wxPython or Tkinter? [closed]

Pick the one you like, there's no "the best" here.

Personally I like PyQt4, because I like QT4, and py2exe works perfectly fine with it, wxPython is another good thing, but it does not work very well under Windows, see my question here: wx.App (wxPython) crash when calling

You can check some application developed using each frameworks, and see if you like any.

For PyGTK - Glade should be your best bet. Similarly, Rapyd-Tk seems to be good for TK. Though for Tk, I would advise you to try with the articles which help you build from the code and then go with the builders. This answer in SO provides the wealth of options available for building GUI using WxPython.