PyInstaller lib not found PyInstaller lib not found tkinter tkinter

PyInstaller lib not found

Just had this problem myself. The problem is that pyinstaller is not fully compatible Windows 10. The only solution currently is to download the Windows 10 SDK (a 2GB download).

See more here:

I answered a question with a similar solution here:

When there is a whole slew of WARNINGS coming from pyinstaller about not being able to locate Windows DLLs, you might check to see if they're in one of the two following locations:


You can add one or both to the PATH variable, like so and those warnings should disappear:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Windows\System32\downlevel

I noticed some of the DLLs you're unable to locate are in the folders I called out above.

Note: this will work for any DLLs that you can track down on your machine. Add that directory to PATH so that pyinstaller can find them.