Python 2.7.2 global variables + tkinter Python 2.7.2 global variables + tkinter tkinter tkinter

Python 2.7.2 global variables + tkinter

  1. To make the Label update, set textvariable=self.globvar, whereself.globvar = tk.StringVar(). The Label text is updated by calling self.globvar.set.
  2. Change command=self.calc() to command=self.calc (withoutparentheses). With parentheses, self.calc() is called at the timeself.buttn is defined. And command gets set to the return value ofself.calc(), which is None. Nothing happens when the button ispressed because command equals None. Without parentheses,command is set to the function object self.calc, and thefunction is called (correctly) whenever the button is pressed.
  3. Try to avoid using global variables. It will help Shuffle to be self-contained, more easily reusable and importable.

import Tkinter as tkimport sys, randomclass Shuffle(object):    def __init__(self,master=None):        self.master=master        self.text=tk.Label(master, text="Type in something:")        self.buttn = tk.Button(master, text="Done", width=10, command=self.calc)        self.globvar = tk.StringVar()        self.globvar.set(0)        self.result = tk.Label(self.master, textvariable=self.globvar)    def hide(self):        self.text.pack_forget()        self.buttn.pack_forget()        self.result.pack_forget()    def show(self):        self.text.pack(padx=2, pady=2), padx=3, pady=3)        self.buttn.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=3, pady=3)        self.result.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=3, pady=3)    def calc(self):        word =        while len(word) != 0:            i = random.randrange(0, len(word))            self.globvar.set(word[i])            word = word[0:i] + word[i+1:]class MainApp(object):    def __init__(self,master=None):        self.master=master        app.title("Mkee's Tools")        app.geometry('500x500')        menubar=tk.Menu(app)        self.shuffle=Shuffle(master)        self.current=self.shuffle        program_menu=tk.Menu(menubar)        program_menu.add_command(label='Shuffle',command=self.show_shuffle)        menubar.add_cascade(label='Programs', menu=program_menu)        app.config(menu=menubar)    def show_shuffle(self):        self.current.hide()        self.current=self.shuffle    def show_buttons(self):        self.current.hide()        self.current=self.buttons       main():    m=MainApp() __name__=='__main__':    main()