Python 3.x turtles extremely slow? Python 3.x turtles extremely slow? tkinter tkinter

Python 3.x turtles extremely slow?

Turn off the drawing delay:


and hide the turtle:

Turning off the drawing delay is the big one. If you don't do that, there's a 10-millisecond pause whenever the turtle moves.

If you want it to go even faster, and you only care about the finished picture, you can turn off screen updates entirely:

turtle.tracer(0, 0)

and call update a single time when your turtle has executed all its commands:


With tracing off and a manual update call, the program finishes near-instantaneously on my machine.

Here’s a quick copy-paste for anyone looking. Credits to @user2357112

Use these methods to greatly speed things up and get right to the end result:

.speed(0).delay(0).ht().tracer(0, 0)#code goes here.update()