python: How can I remove lambda in this code? python: How can I remove lambda in this code? tkinter tkinter

python: How can I remove lambda in this code?

If you want to remove lambda from your code you must define a function return another function define.

That is,

def replacement():    return define(argument)

This way you don't have to use lambda in calling Button. Instead you would call Button as :

auto = Button(root, text="auto", command=replacement).pack()

I hope this helps. But, you should learn what lambda's are.

You can also use partial from functools. It is basically the same as what @Suraj Upadhyay suggested.This is the code:

from tkinter import *from functools import partialdef define(a):    passroot = Tk()function = partial(define, True) # The first arg is the function name and the rest are the function argsauto = Button(root, text="auto", command=function)auto.pack()