python: how to wait in a for loop for user inputs in popup windows [duplicate] python: how to wait in a for loop for user inputs in popup windows [duplicate] tkinter tkinter

python: how to wait in a for loop for user inputs in popup windows [duplicate]

What you can do is check if the popup window has been opened 3 times.

from tkinter import *from tkinter import ttk  import timeroot = Tk()root.geometry('400x500')# functions ----------------------------------def popup():    global pop    pop= Toplevel(root)    pop.focus_force()    pop.grab_set()    pop.title('Login')    pop.geometry('450x100')      global me    fr1=Frame(pop)    fr1.pack(pady=5)        lbl1=Label(fr1, text='ID :', font=20)    lbl1.grid(row=1, column=1,pady=7)    e1 = Entry(fr1, width=15,font=(25))    e1.grid(row=1, column=2)        lbl2=Label(fr1, text='PW :', font=20)    lbl2.grid(row=2, column=1)    e2 = Entry(fr1, width=15,font=(25))    e2.grid(row=2, column=2)        btn1 = Button(fr1, text='Enter',command=button_,width=10, font=20)    btn1.grid(row=1, column=3, rowspan=2, sticky=N+E+W+S, padx=10, pady=10) done=1def  button_():          global done    if done==3:        pop.destroy()    else:         done+=1        pop.destroy()        popup()        bt1=Button(root, text='button1', command=popup)bt1.pack(pady=10)root.mainloop()

Try something like this:

import tkinter as tkfrom tkinter import ttk  import time# Force you to pass in the master argument when creating widgets:tk._support_default_root = Falsedef popup():    global pop_window    pop_window = tk.Tk()    pop_window.geometry("200x100")    entry = tk.Entry(pop_window)    entry.pack()        button = tk.Button(pop_window, text="Enter", command=pop_window.destroy)    button.pack()    # Wait until there is only 1 window left open    pop_window.mainloop(1)def button_():    global done    if done:        done = False        for i in range(3):            popup()        done = Truedone = Trueroot = tk.Tk()root.geometry("200x200")button = tk.Button(root, text="Click me", command=button_)button.pack()# Close the program when the main window is destroyed:# Instead here you can call a function that sets `done` to `True`,# Closes the main window as well as the `pop_window` if it existsroot.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", exit)# Wait until all windows have been closedroot.mainloop()

It uses multiple instances of Tk() and waits until there is only 1 window left open before continuing with the for loop. That is done using: pop_window.mainloop(1)

It uses multiple instances of Tk() so you need to be careful when creating StringVar/IntVar/.../PhotoImages. As long as you always pass in the master argument when creating those variables, you shouldn't encounter any problems.