Python RaspberryPi GPIO Event Detection in Tkinter Failing Python RaspberryPi GPIO Event Detection in Tkinter Failing tkinter tkinter

Python RaspberryPi GPIO Event Detection in Tkinter Failing

mainloop() do all job in program - it runs event function (and other functions) - one after the other - and it looks like multitasking. But if any of function work too long (for example it use while True or time.sleep() then mainloop can execute other functions.

So don't use time sleep() and long running loop but use root.after(time, function) to run some function repeatedly.

I can't test it but it could looks like this:

def my_loop(self):    if (time.time() - self.start_time) < self.game_time:       print "listening"       root.after(5000, self.my_loop) # run my_loop again after 5000 millisecondsdef start_game(self):        global p2score        # use self. to get access in other function        self.start_time = time.time()        self.game_time = 30      #length of game        P1PIN = 23        GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)        GPIO.setup(P1PIN, GPIO.IN)        GPIO.add_event_detect(P1PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.p2ScoreEvent)        try:            GPIO.add_event_detect(P1PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.p2ScoreEvent)            self.my_loop() # run my_loop first time        except:            print "Something went wrong..."            GPIO.cleanup()


you could use self.end_time to make less calculations

def my_loop(self):    if time.time() < self.end_time:       print "listening"       root.after(5000, self.my_loop) # run my_loop again after 5000 millisecondsdef start_game(self):        global p2score        # use self. to get access in other function        # self.game_time = 30         self.end_time = time.time() + 30


We use classes and self. to not use global

All code could look like this:

from Tkinter import *import timeimport RPi.GPIO as GPIOclass App():    def __init__(self, master):        self.master = master        self.frame = Frame(master)        self.p2diagString = "Player 2 Score: "        self.p2score = 0        self.p2diag = StringVar()        self.p2diag.set(self.p2diagString + str(self.p2score))        p2Label = Label(self.frame, fg="white", bg="blue", textvariable=self.p2diag)        p2Label.grid(row=1, column=1)        self.startGameButton = Button(            self.frame, text="Start Game!", command=self.start_game        )        self.startGameButton.grid(row=3, columnspan=2)    def p2ScoreEvent(self, p1pin):        print "ScoreEvent"        self.p2score += 1        self.p2diag.set(self.p2diagString + str(self.p2score))    def start_game(self):        self.game_time = 30        self.end_time = time.time() + self.game_time        P1PIN = 23        GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)        GPIO.setup(P1PIN, GPIO.IN)        GPIO.add_event_detect(P1PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.p2ScoreEvent)        try:            GPIO.add_event_detect(P1PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.p2ScoreEvent)            self.my_loop()        except:            print "Something went wrong..."            GPIO.cleanup()    def my_loop(self):        if time.time() < self.end_time:           print "listening"           root.after(5000, self.my_loop) # run my_loop again after 5000 milliseconds    def run(self):        self.master.mainloop()#----------------------------------------------------------------------App(Tk()).run()

I put __init__ as first function in class - it easer to read it - everybody expect __init__ at the beginning of class.

I use str() in place of repl()

In class I don't use external variables. I have all variables inside.