Python Tkinter csv read file to Entry Python Tkinter csv read file to Entry tkinter tkinter

Python Tkinter csv read file to Entry

You can't set the text of an Entry field in the same way that you would for a Label. You need to use the insert method of an entry widget as shown below

def panel_admin():    admingui.destroy()    adminpanel = Toplevel()    with open("Staff Bookings.csv", newline = "") as file:        reader = csv.reader(file)        r = 0        for col in reader:            c = 0            for row in col:                curEntry = Entry(adminpanel, width = 10, relief = RIDGE)                curEntry.grid(row = r, column = c)                curEntry.insert(0, row)                c += 1            r += 1

Note that if you want to write out the edited entry fields, you should probably store the curEntry in a list or dictionary for you to access later. For example you could keep the row,col number as a dictionary key and the Entry widget as the values using something like the code below

fields[(r,c)] = curEntry