Python Tkinter Font Chooser Python Tkinter Font Chooser tkinter tkinter

Python Tkinter Font Chooser

Tk (and Tkinter) doesn't have any font chooser in the default distribution. You'll need to create your own. Here is an example I found: Tkinter FontChooser

Note: Tk 8.6 will have a build in font chooser dialog: FontChooser

The basis for a simple font selector can be found below

import tkinter as tkfrom tkinter import fontdef changeFont(event):    selection = lbFonts.curselection()    laExample.config(font=(available_fonts[selection[0]],"16"))root = tk.Tk()available_fonts = font.families()lbFonts = tk.Listbox(root)lbFonts.grid()for font in available_fonts:    lbFonts.insert(tk.END, font)lbFonts.bind("<Double-Button-1>", changeFont)laExample = tk.Label(root,text="Click Font")laExample.grid()root.mainloop()

Double clicking on a font in the list will change the example text below to that font. You can scroll down through the list of fonts by using a mouse wheel (or you can add a scroll bar to it)

There is a font chooser window in tkinter but it has been discontinued in the newer versions but you can still access it.

l = ttk.Label(root, text="Hello World", font="helvetica 24")l.grid(padx=10, pady=10)def font_changed(font):    l['font'] ='tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure', '-font', 'helvetica 24', '-command', root.register(font_changed))'tk', 'fontchooser', 'show')

Check this link for more details: