Python Tkinter: Remove window border Python Tkinter: Remove window border tkinter tkinter

Python Tkinter: Remove window border

With the help of Bryan Oakley, I have realized a solution that would allow me to use 'overrideredirect' while solving my problem, and that is using 'Unmap' event.

The following example code shows that when the additional window can be minimized with the main window when using 'Map' and 'Unmap':

import Tkinterclass App:    def __init__(self):        self.root = Tkinter.Tk()        Tkinter.Label(self.root, text="main window").pack()        self.window = Tkinter.Toplevel()        self.window.overrideredirect(True)        Tkinter.Label(self.window, text="Additional window").pack()        self.root.bind("<Unmap>", self.OnUnMap)        self.root.bind("<Map>", self.OnMap)        self.root.mainloop()    def OnMap(self, e):        self.window.wm_deiconify()    def OnUnMap(self, e):        self.window.wm_withdraw()app=App()