Removing 'Week Number' column in Calendar Widget in Python Removing 'Week Number' column in Calendar Widget in Python tkinter tkinter

Removing 'Week Number' column in Calendar Widget in Python

The documentation is poor, you have to dig in the source code.

The weeks number column corresponds to a list of wlabel (instance of ttk.Label()) called _week_nbs. So you can loop over them and destroy them one after one:

for i in range(6):    cal._week_nbs[i].destroy()

Full program:

try:    import tkinter as tk    from tkinter import ttkexcept ImportError:    import Tkinter as tk    import ttkfrom tkcalendar import Calendar, DateEntrydef example1():    def print_sel():        print(cal.selection_get())    top = tk.Toplevel(root)    cal = Calendar(top,                   font="Arial 14", selectmode='day',                   cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5)    cal.pack(fill="both", expand=True)    for i in range(6):       cal._week_nbs[i].destroy()    ttk.Button(top, text="ok", command=print_sel).pack()def example2():    top = tk.Toplevel(root)    ttk.Label(top, text='Choose date').pack(padx=10, pady=10)    cal = DateEntry(top, width=12, background='darkblue',                    foreground='white', borderwidth=2)    cal.pack(padx=10, pady=10)root = tk.Tk()s = ttk.Style(root)s.theme_use('clam')ttk.Button(root, text='Calendar', command=example1).pack(padx=10, pady=10)ttk.Button(root, text='DateEntry', command=example2).pack(padx=10, pady=10)root.mainloop()


enter image description here

The following seems to work to turn the weeknumbers off: = DateEntry(self.frame, width=12, background='darkblue',                foreground='white',showweeknumbers=False,firstweekday='sunday')# To see other parameters that you can changeprint("DE keys=",

Documentation for weeknumbers

Unfortunately, it doesn't come as an option. In the __init__ method of tkcalendar the week numbers are always added, no matter what the options are:

    ...    self._week_nbs = []    self._calendar = []    for i in range(1, 7):        self._cal_frame.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)        wlabel = ttk.Label(self._cal_frame, style='headers.%s.TLabel' % self._style_prefixe,                           font=self._font, padding=2,                           anchor="e", width=2)        self._week_nbs.append(wlabel)        wlabel.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="esnw", padx=(0, 1))        self._calendar.append([])        for j in range(1, 8):            label = ttk.Label(self._cal_frame, style='normal.%s.TLabel' % self._style_prefixe,                              font=self._font, anchor="center")            self._calendar[-1].append(label)            label.grid(row=i, column=j, padx=(0, 1), pady=(0, 1), sticky="nsew")            if selectmode is "day":                label.bind("<1>", self._on_click)

You may want to try other widgets as suggested here, it seems like ttkcalendar wouldn't have week numbers.