Sawtooth tkinter mainloop frame duration? Sawtooth tkinter mainloop frame duration? tkinter tkinter

Sawtooth tkinter mainloop frame duration?

That closely resembles this kind of interference pattern when competing 60 and 50 Hz samples mingle:

Interference Pattern of competing 60 Hz and 50 Hz samples

(Original Wolfram|Alpha plot)

This is likely caused by having two things at different (but close) refresh rates. It's the same type of thing that happens when you try to film a TV screen and it looks like a black bar keeps moving down the image, or when car wheels appear to rotate backwards around their axles in car commercials. It is essentially an extension of the Moiré Effect.

I don't know whether or not it is caused by video drivers and/or hardware, but it is almost certainly caused by interfering cyclical patterns. It looks a lot like it should be the GC cycle interfering with your for loop (hence the sudden drop in the sawtooth-like wave as memory is freed up and can be allocated)