scrollable listbox within a grid using tkinter scrollable listbox within a grid using tkinter tkinter tkinter

scrollable listbox within a grid using tkinter

Without any content in the listbox, there's nothing to scroll...

This seems to work though (shortened the example a bit). See also the example at the scrollbar documentation.

class Application(Frame):       def __init__(self,  master=None):        Frame.__init__(self, master)            self.grid(sticky=N+S+E+W)           self.mainframe()    def mainframe(self):               = Listbox(self, bg='red')        self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(, orient=VERTICAL)        self.scrollbar.config(        for i in range(1000):  , str(i)) = Button(self, text="run")        self.stop = Button(self, text="stop"), column=0, rowspan=4,                   columnspan=2, sticky=N+E+S+W), weight=1),column=0,sticky=EW)        self.stop.grid(row=4,column=1,sticky=EW)        self.scrollbar.grid(column=2, sticky=N+S)a = Application()a.mainframe()a.mainloop()

You must define the command attribute to the scrollbar, and you must supply the yscrollcommand attribute to the listbox. These two attributes work together to make something scrollable.

The yscrollcommand option tells the listbox "when you are scrolled in the Y direction, call this command. This is usually the set method of a scrollbar, so that when the user scrolls via arrow keys, the scrollbar gets updated.

The command attribute of a scorllbar says "when the user moves you, call this command". This is usually the yview or xview method of a widget, which causes the widget to change its view parameters in the Y or X direction.

In your case, after creating the widgets you would do this:

This thread is old but in case somebody else falls across it as I did, it needs a few precisions.

Junuxx's answer doesnt work as is, not only because there is an indentation problem due to difficulties in seizing code here (from "" which is part of the "mainframe" function) but because it seems necessary to put the listbox and the scrollbar in their own frame.

Here is a working code for Python 2 and 3 :

#!/usr/bin/env python2try:   # for Python2   from Tkinter import *except ImportError:   # for Python3   from tkinter import *class   Application(Frame):    def __init__(self,  master=None):        Frame.__init__(self, master)        self.grid(sticky=N+S+E+W)        self.mainframe()    def mainframe(self):       frame = Frame(self)       scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=VERTICAL)       data = Listbox(frame, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set,              bg='red')       scrollbar.config(command=data.yview)       scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)       data.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)       for i in range(1000):          data.insert(END, str(i)) = Button(self, text="run")       self.stop = Button(self, text="stop")       frame.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=4,                   columnspan=2, sticky=N+E+S+W)       frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1),column=0,sticky=EW)       self.stop.grid(row=4,column=1,sticky=EW)a = Application()a.mainframe()a.mainloop()

You may find further information here : this helps.