Simple animation with Tkinter Python Simple animation with Tkinter Python tkinter tkinter

Simple animation with Tkinter Python

Calling update

You should not call canvas.update(). As a general rule of thumb you should never call update.

if you take out the call to canvas.update(), you have the proper way to do animation in a tkinter program.

Calling after to start the animation

You don't need to call after immediately before calling root.mainloop(). This works just as well:


The choice to use or not use after in this specific case is dependent on if you want the animation to start immediately (possibly even before the widget is visible) or if you want it to happen after a short delay (possibly after the widget is made visible)

How after works

mainloop is nothing more than an infinite loop that checks the event queue for events. When it finds an event, it pops it off of the list and processes it. after is nothing more than making a request that says "in 100 ms, please add a new event to the queue". When the time limit expires, an event is added to the queue that says, in effect, "run this command". The next time the loop checks for events, it sees this event, pulls it off of the queue, and runs the command.

When you call after from within a method that itself was called by after, you're saying in effect "wait 100ms and do it again", creating an infinite loop. If you put the call to after before moving the object, you're saying "every 100ms run this function". If you put it after you're saying "run this function 100 ms after the last time it was run". The difference is very subtle and usually not perceptible unless your function takes a long time to run.

my code is:

from tkinter import *import timetk = Tk()płótno = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=500)płótno.pack()płótno.create_polygon(10,10,10,70,70,10,fill="blue",outline="black")for x in range(0,51):   płótno.move(1,5,0)   płótno.update()   rest(0.05)

płótno means canvas