Struggling with lexical scoping and for loops Struggling with lexical scoping and for loops tkinter tkinter

Struggling with lexical scoping and for loops

The second approach may work with few changes:

for b in range(x):    def helper_lambda(c, modifier):        return lambda: current_instance.modify_attr(c, modifier)  # removed event argument    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="<", command=helper_lambda(b, -1)), y=80 + 18 * b)    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text=">", command=helper_lambda(b, 1)), y=80 + 18 * b)

However, you can use lambda directly without the helper function:

for b in range(x):    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="<", command=lambda b=b: current_instance.modify_attr(b, -1)), y=80 + 18 * b)    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text=">", command=lambda b=b: current_instance.modify_attr(b, 1)), y=80 + 18 * b)

This is a case where functools.partial is a better option than a lambda expression.

from functools import partialfor b in range(x):    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="<", command=partial(current_instance.modify_attr, b, -1)), y=80 + 18 * b)    button = tk.Button(button_frame, text=">", command=partial(current_instance.modify_attr, b, 1)), y=80 + 18 * b)

partial receives the value of b as an argument, rather than simply capturing the name b for later use.