Tkinter change widgets in a class from external function? Tkinter change widgets in a class from external function? tkinter tkinter

Tkinter change widgets in a class from external function?

  • Make check_five, check_two, check_one and check_togglemethods of MyApp.
  • Define self.log = Tk.Text in MyApp.__init__. That way, othermethods in MyApp can reference self.log.
  • In the if __name__ == "__main__": part of the script, useapp.check_five instead of check_five to reference app'scheck_five method. And similarly for the other check_* methods.

import Tkinter as Tkimport timeimport RPi.GPIO as GPIOGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)# setup 5 output pinGPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)# setup 2 output pinGPIO.setup(14, GPIO.OUT)# setup 1 output pinGPIO.setup(15, GPIO.OUT)# set low output states on startGPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)GPIO.output(15, GPIO.LOW)# setup 5 input pinGPIO.setup(25, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN)# setup 2 input pinGPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN)# setup 1 input pinGPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN)# setup window toggle pinGPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN)# out functions light certain led a number of times     def fiveTimes_out():    #1    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)    #2    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)    #3    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)    #4    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)    #5              GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)def twoTimes_out():    #1    GPIO.output(14, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)    #2    GPIO.output(14, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)        def oneTimes_out():    #1    GPIO.output(15, GPIO.HIGH)    time.sleep(0.200)    GPIO.output(15, GPIO.LOW)    time.sleep(0.200)########################################################################class OtherFrame(Tk.Toplevel):    """"""    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def __init__(self):        """Constructor"""        Tk.Toplevel.__init__(self)        self.geometry("640x480+0+0")        self.configure(background = 'yellow')        self.title("otherFrame")########################################################################class MyApp(object):    """"""    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def __init__(self, parent):        """Constructor"""        self.root = parent        self.root.title("Main frame")        self.frame = Tk.Frame(parent)        self.frame.pack()        btn = Tk.Button(self.frame, text = "Other Window", command = self.openFrame)        btn.pack()        btn2 = Tk.Button(self.frame, text = "Function test", command = twoTimes_out)        btn2.pack()        titleLabel = Tk.Label(text = "My Label") = 40, y = 60)        insertLabel = Tk.Label(text = "Label") = 170, y = 110)        self.log = Tk.Text(state = 'normal', width = 70, height = 10, wrap = 'none') = 40, y = 160)        thanksLabel = Tk.Label(text = "Thank You!") = 70, y = 350)        self.log.insert('1.0', 'here is my text to insert')    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def hide(self):        """"""        self.root.withdraw()    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def openFrame(self):        """"""        self.hide()        subFrame = OtherFrame()        handler = lambda: self.onCloseOtherFrame(subFrame)        btn = Tk.Button(subFrame, text = "Close", command = handler)        btn.pack()        secondPageLabel = Tk.Label(text = "HI") = 170, y = 110)    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def onCloseOtherFrame(self, otherFrame):        """"""        otherFrame.destroy()    #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def show(self):        """"""        self.root.update()        self.root.deiconify()    # in functions check if buttons are pushed and run specific functions    # also write messages to log        def check_five(self):         if (GPIO.input(25) == GPIO.HIGH):            fiveTimes_out()            self.log.insert('1.0', '5 button down')        else:            self.log.insert('1.0', '5 button up')        root.after(10, self.check_five)    def check_two(self):         if (GPIO.input(24) == GPIO.HIGH):            twoTimes_out()            self.log.insert('1.0', '2 button down')        else:            self.log.insert('1.0', '2 button up')        root.after(10, self.check_five)    def check_one(self):         if (GPIO.input(23) == GPIO.HIGH):            oneTimes_out()            self.log.insert('1.0', '1 button down')        else:            self.log.insert('1.0', '1 button up')        root.after(10, self.check_five)    # check if window toggle button is pushed    # you reference self in check_toggle, so check_toggle should probably be a method.    def check_toggle(self):         if (GPIO.input(22) == GPIO.HIGH):            self.openFrame()                         root.after(10, check_toggle)#----------------------------------------------------------------------if __name__ == "__main__":    root = Tk.Tk()    root.geometry("640x480+0+0")    root.configure(background = 'red')    app = MyApp(root)    root.after(10, app.check_five)    root.after(10, app.check_two)    root.after(10, app.check_one)    root.after(10, app.check_toggle)    root.mainloop()

In the __init__ method of MyApp, you'll need to store log as an instance variable (do self.log = log) so it it will still be there after leaving __init__. I would recommend making check_five be a method of MyApp, in which case you can access log via self.log. If you want to keep check_five separate, then you can access it via something like myapp.log, where you have previously created myapp by doing myapp = MyApp(root). When running a method with after from inside MyApp, you can access it as, e.g. self.check_five.