Tkinter drop down list of check-boxes/combo-boxes Tkinter drop down list of check-boxes/combo-boxes tkinter tkinter

Tkinter drop down list of check-boxes/combo-boxes

Its not exactly what you wanted, but hope it helps.

from Tkinter import *top = Tk()mb=  Menubutton ( top, text="CheckComboBox", relief=RAISED )mb.grid()  =  Menu ( mb, tearoff = 0 )mb["menu"]  =  mb.menuItem0 = IntVar()Item1 = IntVar()Item2 = IntVar() ( label="Item0", variable=Item0) ( label="Item1", variable=Item1) ( label="Item2", variable=Item2)'''This part is only for testingdef Item_test():    if Item0.get() == True:        print "Item0 True"    elif Item0.get() == False:        print "Item0 False"    else:        print Item0.get()    if Item1.get() == True:        print "Item1 True"    elif Item1.get() == False:        print "Item1 False"    else:        print Item1.get()    if Item2.get() == True:        print "Item2 True"    elif Item2.get() == False:        print "Item2 False"    else:        print Item2.get()button1 = Button(top, text="Item True/False Test", command = Item_test)button1.pack()''' mb.pack()top.mainloop()

I became a bit obsessed with this problem and subsequently spent some time trying to solve it. I think I came up with a pretty decent solution -- or at least the beginnings of a pretty decent solution. If you do use this code and run into any bugs or issues, please do let me know by posting an "Issue" on the GitHub page.