Tkinter dynamically changing text colour of recurring strings in a textbox Tkinter dynamically changing text colour of recurring strings in a textbox tkinter tkinter

Tkinter dynamically changing text colour of recurring strings in a textbox

You need to config a tag, and specify that tag when adding the text to the end.This should work (although not tested):

self.txtLog.tag_config("success", foreground="blue", font="Arial 10 italic")log = open(logFile, 'r')while 1:    line = log.readline()    if len(line) == 0:        break    else:        tags = ("success",) if line.startswith("SUCCESS") else None        self.txtLog.insert(Tkinter.END, line+os.linesep, tags)log.close()

Also, I just noticed that you are using tag_add before tag_config, I believe it should be the opposite for it to work.