Tkinter.grid spacing options? Tkinter.grid spacing options? tkinter tkinter

Tkinter.grid spacing options?

You can specify the spacing on columns/rows in the grid (including those that contain no widget) by running the grid_columnconfigure and grid_rowconfigure methods on the parent of the widgets (in this case, the parent would be root).

For example, to set a minimum width for the 4th column, add the last line to your code:

import Tkinter as tkroot = tk.Tk()label = tk.Label(root, text = 'Label')label.grid(column = 3, row = 8)button = tk.Button(root, text = 'Button')button.grid(column = 5, row = 1)root.grid_columnconfigure(4, minsize=100)  # Here

If you want to set a minimum size for all of your columns and rows, you can iterate through them all using:

col_count, row_count = root.grid_size()for col in xrange(col_count):    root.grid_columnconfigure(col, minsize=20)for row in xrange(row_count):    root.grid_rowconfigure(row, minsize=20)

Edit Interestingly, effbot states:

minsize=Defines the minimum size for the row. Note that if a row is completely empty, it will not be displayed, even if this option is set.

(italics mine) but it seems to work even for rows and columns that are empty, as far as I've tried.

By default, a row is of height zero and a column is of width zero. So, rows and columns that don't have anything in them will be invisible and take up no space.