tkinter GUI list of buttons [closed] tkinter GUI list of buttons [closed] tkinter tkinter

tkinter GUI list of buttons [closed]

I can't (easily) test this because the code in your question isn't complete enough to be runnable, but I think the problem is with the img variable's value being changed by the for loop.

Working around that might be a simple as passing the current value as a default argument to the lambda function you define—similar to what you did for the x=emoji argument to capture the current value of emoji and have it passed it to the anonymous function being created:

for emoji, descriptor in emoji_descriptor    img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("emojis/"+descriptor+".png"))    b = Button(emojiApp, text=descriptor,               command=lambda x=emoji, img=img: appendEmoji(x), image=img)  # CHANGED.    b.pack()

If that doesn't work, another alternative would be to save the current PhotoImage value by making it an attribute of the Button after it's created:

for emoji, descriptor in emoji_descriptor    img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("emojis/"+descriptor+".png"))    b = Button(emojiApp, text=descriptor,               command=lambda x=emoji: appendEmoji(x), image=img)    b.img = img  # ADDED to save value of img    b.pack()