Tkinter Image Viewer Method Tkinter Image Viewer Method tkinter tkinter

Tkinter Image Viewer Method

I would replace the current loop function with something like the following (untested). The changes: add some global names to share data between functions; make change_image do everything needed to change an image, given that current_image is valid; except for the starting value, make current_image be always a valid image number when it is changed; factor forward() out of animate() (which is just repeated times forward calls).

n_images = 2images = [PhotoImage(file="filename"+str(i)+".gif") for i in range(n_images)]current_image = -1def change_image():    displayFrame.delete('Animate')    displayFrame.create_image(0,0, anchor=NW,                        image=StaticFrame[current_image], tag='Animate')    displayFrame.update_idletasks() #Force redrawcallback = Nonedef animate():    global callback    forward()    callback = root.after(1000, animate)

Here are three of the other functions.

def forward():    global current_image    current_image += 1    if current_image >= n_images:        current_image = 0    change_image()def back():    global current_image    current_image -= 1    if current_image < 0:        current_image = n_images-1    change_image()def stop():    if callback is not None:        root.after_cancel(callback)