tkinter loop and serial write tkinter loop and serial write tkinter tkinter

tkinter loop and serial write


You use the Tkinter mainloop and a while-loop and now you want to put both together into one program.

while X:    do_y()




There are several solutions for you.

  1. split the loop and use after to let the GUI call you back:

    def do_y2():    do_y()    if X:        master.after(123, do_y2) # after 123 milli seconds this is called againdo_y2()master.mainloop()

    For a more detailed answer see this answer by Bryan Oakley

  2. use guiLoop by me.

    from guiLoop import guiLoop # do_y2():    while X:        do_y()        yield 0.123 # give the GUI 123 milli seconds to do everythingdo_y2(master)master.mainloop()

    guiLoop uses the approach from 1. but allows you to use one or more while loops.

  3. use update to refresh the GUI.

    while X:    do_y()    master.update()

    This approach is an unusual one since it replaces the mainloop that is part os the most GUI frameworks like Tkinter. Note that with 1 and 2 you can have multiple loops, not just one as in 3.

  4. use a new thread of execution that executes your loop in parallel. ! This thread must not access master or any GUI elements directly because Tkinter can crash then!

    import threadingdef do_y_loop():     while X:         do_y()thread = threading.Thread(target = do_y_loop)thread.deamon = True # use this if your application does not close.thread.start()master.mainloop()
  5. start the mainloop in a new thread. As in 4. Tkinter can crash if you access the GUI from the thread.

    import threadingthread = threading.Thread(target = master.mainloop)thread.deamon = True # use this if your application does not close.thread.start()while X:    do_y()

    In both 4. and 5. communication between the GUI and the while-loop could/should go through global variables but never through tkinter methods.

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