Tkinter make text that changes over time Tkinter make text that changes over time tkinter tkinter

Tkinter make text that changes over time

Yes, it's possible and relatively simple. I simplified your code some but kept it relatively the same.

import tkinter as tkclass App:    def __init__(self, master):        self.dialog_options = ['This is my text thats going to dissapear', 'farts are fun']        self.label = tk.Label(master, text=self.dialog_options[0])        self.label.pack()        self.label.after(10000, self.change_label_text)    # 1000ms    def change_label_text(self):        self.label['text'] = self.dialog_options[1]if __name__ == '__main__':    root= tk.Tk()    app = App(root)    root.mainloop()