Tkinter solid border button Tkinter solid border button tkinter tkinter

Tkinter solid border button

I also tried changing the black border but it doesn't change though it works if I change from Label to Frame so you can put your label inside the frame and change the highlightbackground, highlightcolor, borderwith of the frame.

Here's what I did

for x in range(3):    for y in range(3):        con_frame = tk.Frame(top_frame,bg="#41B77F",                       highlightbackground="grey",                       highlightcolor="grey",                       relief="solid",                       highlightthickness=3)        lbl = tk.Label(con_frame, text="",                         height=2, width=5,                         bg="#41B77F",                         font="Helvetica 45 bold",                        bd=0, highlightthickness=0)        lbl.grid(sticky='nsew')        lbl.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e, xy=[x, y]: get_cordinate(xy))        con_frame.grid(row=x, column=y, padx=2, pady=2)        dict_labels = {"xy": [x, y], "symbol": "", "label": lbl, "ticked": False}        list_labels.append(dict_labels)