tkinter.TclError: character U+1f449 is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl tkinter.TclError: character U+1f449 is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl tkinter tkinter

tkinter.TclError: character U+1f449 is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl

The easiest way to do this would be to strip out the extra characters. This could be done with the following code at the start of the for loop:

char_list = [tweet[j] for j in range(len(tweet)) if ord(tweet[j]) in range(65536)]tweet=''for j in char_list:    tweet=tweet+j

The problem is described in a python bug report:

I took the solution posted there an adapted it to processing gmail messages where the Subject line somehow has incorrect characters inserted sometimes:

try:                iid = self.lib_tree.insert("", tk.END, tags="unchecked",         values=(message_id, subject, sender, epoch, date, labels,                snippet))except tk.TclError:    print('old subject:', subject)        import re    # From:    astral = re.compile(r'([^\x00-\uffff])')    s = subject    new_subject = ""    for i, ss in enumerate(re.split(astral, s)):        if not i%2:            new_subject += ss        else:            new_subject += '?'    print('new_subject:', new_subject)    continue

Output from program loading about 5,000 gmail messages:

$ bserve.pyold subject: Mserve June 18/2021new_subject: Mser?e June 18/2021old subject: mserve December 7, 2020new_subject: mser?e December 7, 2020old subject: Re: WinEunuuchs2Unixnew_subject: Re: WinEunuuchs2Uni?old subject: 🚚 ORDER UPDATE: 2019 Cigarette Light...new_subject: ? ORDER UPDATE: 2019 Cigarette Light...old subject: 📌 You've got 18 new ideas waiting for you!new_subject: ? You'?e got 18 ne? ideas ?aiting for ?ou!old subject: 🔥 Get inspired with these 18 trending ideasnew_subject: ? Get inspired ?ith these 18 trending ideasold subject: 🔥 18 popular Pins for younew_subject: ? 18 popular Pins for ?ouold subject: 🔥 Get inspired with these 18 trending ideasnew_subject: ? Get inspired ?ith these 18 trending ideasold subject: 🔥 Get inspired with these 18 trending ideasnew_subject: ? Get inspired ?ith these 18 trending ideasold subject: 📌 You've got 18 new ideas waiting for you!new_subject: ? You'?e got 18 ne? ideas ?aiting for ?ou!old subject: 📌 We picked some Puzzle art Pins for younew_subject: ? We picked some Pu??le art Pins for ?ouold subject: 🔵 INFANTRY Mens LCD Digital Quartz Wrist Watch Tactical Sport Stainless Steel Navy is HOT on eBay, but quantity is limitednew_subject: ? INFANTRY Mens LCD Digital Quart? Wrist Watch Tactical Sport Stainless Steel Na?? is HOT on eBa?, but quantit? is limitedold subject: 🔵 POLJOT AVIATOR ATTACK PLANE MEN`S  RUSSIAN MILITARY WATCH is HOT on eBay, but quantity is limitednew_subject: ? POLJOT AVIATOR ATTACK PLANE MEN`S  RUSSIAN MILITARY WATCH is HOT on eBa?, but quantit? is limited

Some are obvious reasons like "🔥". Some are less obvious like "Mserve" has invalid "v" and becomes "Mser?e".

I suppose there was a glitch when I wrote the mserve project email in Android from me when traveling to me for when I get home at end of trip.