tkinter Treeview widget inserting data tkinter Treeview widget inserting data tkinter tkinter

tkinter Treeview widget inserting data

You seem to be interested only in how to insert data the user types within Tkinter.Entry() widgets into ttk.Treeview() after a Tkinter.Button() click.

I designed a simple interface to show you how to resolve this. You can adapt my solution to your problem.

Here is how the application demo looks like:

screenshot of demo application running

So I set a counter self.i to name the items. But you can add a label and an entry for this purpose instead and you insert items names similarly to the the other Tkinter.Entry() entries.

The insertion method is this one:

def insert_data(self):    """    Insertion method.    """    self.treeview.insert('', 'end', text="Item_"+str(self.i),                         values=(self.dose_entry.get() + " mg",                                 self.modified_entry.get()))    # Increment counter    self.i = self.i + 1

May be the main trick here is to retrieve the data the user types using get() method which thing is represented by self.dose_entry.get() and self.dose_modified.get() actions.

This is done, you need now to bind this method to the button to be pressed to trigger the insertion action using the command option:

self.submit_button = Tkinter.Button(self.parent, text="Insert",                                    command=self.insert_data)

Full program:

'''Created on Mar 21, 2016@author: Bill Begueradj'''try:    import Tkinter    import ttkexcept ImportError:  # Python 3    import tkinter as Tkinter    import tkinter.ttk as ttkclass Begueradj(Tkinter.Frame):    '''    classdocs    '''    def __init__(self, parent):        '''        Constructor        '''        Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, parent)        self.parent=parent        self.initialize_user_interface()    def initialize_user_interface(self):        """Draw a user interface allowing the user to type        items and insert them into the treeview        """        self.parent.title("Canvas Test")        self.parent.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)        self.parent.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)        self.parent.config(background="lavender")        # Define the different GUI widgets        self.dose_label = Tkinter.Label(self.parent, text="Dose:")        self.dose_entry = Tkinter.Entry(self.parent)        self.dose_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W)        self.dose_entry.grid(row=0, column=1)        self.modified_label = Tkinter.Label(self.parent,                                            text="Date Modified:")        self.modified_entry = Tkinter.Entry(self.parent)        self.modified_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W)        self.modified_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)        self.submit_button = Tkinter.Button(self.parent, text="Insert",                                            command=self.insert_data)        self.submit_button.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)        self.exit_button = Tkinter.Button(self.parent, text="Exit",                                          command=self.parent.quit)        self.exit_button.grid(row=0, column=3)        # Set the treeview        self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.parent,                                 columns=('Dose', 'Modification date'))        self.tree.heading('#0', text='Item')        self.tree.heading('#1', text='Dose')        self.tree.heading('#2', text='Modification Date')        self.tree.column('#1', stretch=Tkinter.YES)        self.tree.column('#2', stretch=Tkinter.YES)        self.tree.column('#0', stretch=Tkinter.YES)        self.tree.grid(row=4, columnspan=4, sticky='nsew')        self.treeview = self.tree        # Initialize the counter        self.i = 0    def insert_data(self):        """        Insertion method.        """        self.treeview.insert('', 'end', text="Item_"+str(self.i),                             values=(self.dose_entry.get() + " mg",                                     self.modified_entry.get()))        # Increment counter        self.i = self.i + 1def main():    root=Tkinter.Tk()    d=Begueradj(root)    root.mainloop()if __name__=="__main__":    main()


I coded this in Python 2.7, but it should work if you're using Python 3.x.