tkinter using two keys at the same time tkinter using two keys at the same time tkinter tkinter

tkinter using two keys at the same time

Like this :

from Tkinter import *root = Tk()var = StringVar()a_label = Label(root,textvariable = var ).pack()history = []def keyup(e):    print e.keycode    if  e.keycode in history :        history.pop(history.index(e.keycode))        var.set(str(history))def keydown(e):    if not e.keycode in history :        history.append(e.keycode)        var.set(str(history))frame = Frame(root, width=200, height=200)frame.bind("<KeyPress>", keydown)frame.bind("<KeyRelease>", keyup)frame.pack()frame.focus_set()root.mainloop()

Don't forget toggle keys because got a little mix status.