Tkinter: Wait for item in queue Tkinter: Wait for item in queue tkinter tkinter

Tkinter: Wait for item in queue

One option might be mtTkinter

Here is another example of using event_generate from a background thread:

##The only secure way I found to make Tkinter mix with threads is to never  ##issue commands altering the graphical state of the application in another  ##thread than the one where the mainloop was started. Not doing that often  ##leads to random behaviour such as the one you have here. Fortunately, one  ##of the commands that seems to work in secondary threads is event_generate,  ##giving you a means to communicate between threads. If you have to pass  ##information from one thread to another, you can use a Queue.####This obviously complicates things a bit, but it may work far better.  ##Please note that the 'when' option *must* be specified in the call to  ##event_generate and *must not* be 'now'. If it's not specified or if it's  ##'now', Tkinter may directly execute the binding in the secondary thread's  ##context. (Eric Brunel)import threadingimport timeimport Queuefrom Tkinter import *## Create main windowroot = Tk()## Communication queuecommQueue = Queue.Queue()## Function run in threaddef timeThread():    curTime = 0    while 1:        ## Each time the time increases, put the new value in the queue...        commQueue.put(curTime)        ## ... and generate a custom event on the main window        try:            root.event_generate('<<TimeChanged>>', when='tail')        ## If it failed, the window has been destoyed: over        except TclError:            break        ## Next        time.sleep(1)        curTime += 1## In the main thread, do usual stufftimeVar = IntVar()Label(root, textvariable=timeVar, width=8).pack()## Use a binding on the custom event to get the new time value## and change the variable to update the displaydef timeChanged(event):    timeVar.set(commQueue.get())root.bind('<<TimeChanged>>', timeChanged)## Run the thread and the GUI main loopth=threading.Thread(target=timeThread)th.start()root.mainloop()

There is also mention of using after_idle in a similar way.
ie. root.after_idle(timeChanged)

SUMMARY: I wouldn't use "noob oddy's example code" -- is a fundamentally flawed approach.

I'm not a python guru, but the example code provided by "noob oddy" (which calls root.event_generate(...) within the background thread) appears to be a "fundamentally flawed approach". i.e., there are several articles on the internet which state "to never invoke Tkinter functions/object methods outside the context of the 'GUI thread'" (which is typically the main thread).His example works "most of the time", but if you increase the event generation rate, then the example's "crash rate" will increase -- however, specific behavior is dependent on the event generation rate and the platform's performance characteristics.

For example, using his code with Python 2.7.3, if you change:




then the script/app will typically crash after 'x' number of iterations.

After much searching, if you "must use Tkinter", then it appears the most "bullet proof method" of getting information from a background thread to the GUI thread is to use 'after()' widget method to poll a thread-safe object (such as 'Queue'). e.g.,

################################################################################import threadingimport timeimport Queueimport Tkinter      as Tkimport Tkconstants  as TkConstfrom ScrolledText import ScrolledTextfrom tkFont       import Fontglobal topglobal dataQglobal scrTextdef thread_proc():    x = -1    dataQ.put(x)    x = 0    for i in xrange(5):        for j in xrange(20):            dataQ.put(x)            time.sleep(0.1)            x += 1        time.sleep(0.5)    dataQ.put(x)def on_after_elapsed():    while True:        try:            v = dataQ.get(timeout=0.1)        except:            break        scrText.insert(TkConst.END, "value=%d\n" % v)        scrText.see(TkConst.END)        scrText.update()    top.after(100, on_after_elapsed)top     = Tk.Tk()dataQ   = Queue.Queue(maxsize=0)f       = Font(family='Courier New', size=12)scrText = ScrolledText(master=top, height=20, width=120, font=f)scrText.pack(fill=TkConst.BOTH, side=TkConst.LEFT, padx=15, pady=15, expand=True)th = threading.Thread(target=thread_proc)th.start()top.after(100, on_after_elapsed)top.mainloop()th.join()## end of file #################################################################

Polling can be eliminated from the Ken Mumme solution by using os.pipe to synchronise between the two threads.

tkinter has a createFilehandler method that can be used to add a file descriptor into tk's select loop. You can then signal that something is ready in the queue by writing a byte into the pipe.

The solution looks like this:

import Queueimport osuiThreadQueue = Queue.Queue() ;pipe_read, pipe_write = os.pipe() ;# call one function from the queue.  Triggered by the # pipe becoming readable through serviceQueue(file, mask):, 1)     func = uiThreadQueue.get() ;    func() # enqueue a function to be run in the tkinter UI thread.# best used as inUIThread(lambda: self.callSomeFunction(arg1,arg2,arg3))def inUIThread(f):    uiThreadQueue.put(f)    os.write(pipe_write, "x")... set up your widgets, start your threads,, tkinter.READABLE, serviceQueue)root.mainloop()

I'm not a python expert; apologies if I've messed up on any coding conventions. I'm great with pipes, though :)