Tkinter: windows without title bar but resizable Tkinter: windows without title bar but resizable tkinter tkinter

Tkinter: windows without title bar but resizable

The problem is, the window is resizable, but when you turn on overrideredirect you lose any sort of header or edge that you can grab in order to resize the window. The only solution is to implement resizing yourself. You can add your own borders, or add mouse bindings that work when the mouse is near an edge.

This answer shows how to move such a window: Python/Tkinter: Mouse drag a window without borders, eg. overridedirect(1)

Here's a short example that illustrates resizing. It has only barely been tested on OSX but should work on any platform. It uses python2, though it should work with python3 just by changing the import statements.

import Tkinter as tkimport ttkclass Example(tk.Tk):    def __init__(self):        tk.Tk.__init__(self)        self.floater = FloatingWindow(self)class FloatingWindow(tk.Toplevel):    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):        tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)        self.overrideredirect(True)        self.wm_geometry("400x400")        self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Grab the lower-right corner to resize")        self.label.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)        self.grip = ttk.Sizegrip(self), rely=1.0, anchor="se")        self.grip.lift(self.label)        self.grip.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.OnMotion)    def OnMotion(self, event):        x1 = self.winfo_pointerx()        y1 = self.winfo_pointery()        x0 = self.winfo_rootx()        y0 = self.winfo_rooty()        self.geometry("%sx%s" % ((x1-x0),(y1-y0)))        returnapp=Example()app.mainloop()

An extended working example of @Bryan's solution can be found here:

import tkinter as tkclass FloatingWindow(tk.Tk):    def __init__(self):        super().__init__()        self.overrideredirect(True)        self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Grab one of the blue")        self.label.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)        self.grip_se = tk.Label(self,bg='blue'), rely=1.0, anchor="se")        self.grip_se.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='se':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_e = tk.Label(self,bg='green'), rely=0.5, anchor="e")        self.grip_e.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='e':self.OnMotion(e,mode))                self.grip_ne = tk.Label(self,bg='blue'), rely=0, anchor="ne")        self.grip_ne.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='ne':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_n = tk.Label(self,bg='green'), rely=0, anchor="n")        self.grip_n.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='n':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_nw = tk.Label(self,bg='blue'), rely=0, anchor="nw")        self.grip_nw.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='nw':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_w = tk.Label(self,bg='green'), rely=0.5, anchor="w")        self.grip_w.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='w':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_sw = tk.Label(self,bg='blue'), rely=1, anchor="sw")        self.grip_sw.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='sw':self.OnMotion(e,mode))        self.grip_s = tk.Label(self,bg='green'), rely=1, anchor="s")        self.grip_s.bind("<B1-Motion>",lambda e, mode='s':self.OnMotion(e,mode))    def OnMotion(self, event, mode):        abs_x = self.winfo_pointerx() - self.winfo_rootx()        abs_y = self.winfo_pointery() - self.winfo_rooty()        width = self.winfo_width()        height= self.winfo_height()        x = self.winfo_rootx()        y = self.winfo_rooty()                if mode == 'se' and abs_x >0 and abs_y >0:                self.geometry("%sx%s" % (abs_x,abs_y)                              )                        if mode == 'e':            if height >0 and abs_x >0:                self.geometry("%sx%s" % (abs_x,height)                              )        if mode == 'ne' and abs_x >0:                y = y+abs_y                height = height-abs_y                if height >0:                    self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (abs_x,height,                                                   x,y))        if mode == 'n':            height=height-abs_y            y = y+abs_y            if height >0 and width >0:                self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,                                               x,y))                    if mode == 'nw':            width = width-abs_x            height=height-abs_y            x = x+abs_x            y = y+abs_y            if height >0 and width >0:                self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,                                               x,y))        if mode == 'w':            width = width-abs_x            x = x+abs_x            if height >0 and width >0:                self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,                                               x,y))        if mode == 'sw':            width = width-abs_x            height=height-(height-abs_y)            x = x+abs_x            if height >0 and width >0:                self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,                                               x,y))        if mode == 's':            height=height-(height-abs_y)            if height >0 and width >0:                self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,                                               x,y))                        def center(self):        width = 300        height = 300        screen_width = self.winfo_screenwidth()        screen_height = self.winfo_screenheight()        x_coordinate = (screen_width/2) - (width/2)        y_coordinate = (screen_height/2) - (height/2)        self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height,                                       x_coordinate, y_coordinate))app=FloatingWindow()app.mainloop()


enter image description here

If someone know how to get rid of the performance issues, please answer this question.