Tracing Entry that uses a StringVar has no effect on Label Tracing Entry that uses a StringVar has no effect on Label tkinter tkinter

Tracing Entry that uses a StringVar has no effect on Label

The problem is that you are using a local variable for a_var, and on the Mac it is getting garbage-collected. Save a reference to the variable (eg: self.a_var rather than just a_var).

  self.a_var = StringVar()  self.a_var.trace("w", self.var_changed)  self.entry = Entry(frame,textvariable=self.a_var)  self.entry.pack()

Note: if all you want is to keep a label and entry in sync, you don't need to use a trace. You can link them by giving them both the same textvariable:

self.entry = Entry(frame, textvariable=self.a_var)self.label = Label(frame, textvariable=self.a_var)