ttk.Progressbar does not change the Layout ttk.Progressbar does not change the Layout tkinter tkinter

ttk.Progressbar does not change the Layout

You don't need to create a new element if you only want to change its options, in your case just configure the "Niklas.Horizontal.TProgressbar" style:

import tkinterfrom tkinter import ttkmaster = tkinter.Tk()s = ttk.Style()s.configure("Niklas.Horizontal.TProgressbar",            troughcolor="#121212",            background="#b2b2b2",            thickness=1,            troughrelief="flat",            relief="flat",            borderwidth=0)pb = ttk.Progressbar(master,                     style="Niklas.Horizontal.TProgressbar",                     orient="horizontal",                     mode="determinate",                     maximum=230)pb.grid(columnspan=2, sticky='ew')pb.start()master.mainloop()

An issue I identified in your code is that you gave the progressbar the style "Niklas.Horizontal.TProgressbar.trough", which is not a progressbar style but an element of the style, so the progressbar did not work.