TypeError (python tkinter Entry) TypeError (python tkinter Entry) tkinter tkinter

TypeError (python tkinter Entry)

this is normal problem:

The normal function is returned None. so this mean in your for loop in num(n) function the if you made isn't true so the functions doesn't return z it's returned as normal function which is None. so if you want to check that append else and print out if the if statements doesn't true. like this :

    def num(n):        for z in range(0,n):            y=(first-achieve)*(z/100)            if (first-today)==y:                return z            if today<achieve:                z=100                return z            else:                print('The if statements is not true so the function now returned None')

so if you want to return the z in all statements in else append return z so when you call the function every where and every time it's will return int do:

    def num(n):        for z in range(0,n):            y=(first-achieve)*(z/100)            if (first-today)==y:                return z            if today<achieve:                z=100                return z            else:                return z                 # if you want to give a message error to user do this:                # from tkinter import messagebox                # messagebox.showerror('Error', 'the function dosen't returned int')

the final code:

from tkinter import *import tkinterapp=Tk()app.title("progress")app.geometry("800x500+365+120")q={'weigh':100,'goal':75,'now':86} #or 'now':93def bar():    first=int(q['weigh'])    achieve=int(q['goal'])    today=int(q['now'])    def num(n):        for z in range(0,n):            y=(first-achieve)*(z/100)            if (first-today)==y:                return z            if today<achieve:                z=100                return z            else:                return z                 # if you want to give a message error to user do this:                # from tkinter import messagebox                # messagebox.showerror('Error', 'the function dosen't returned int')                    print(num(101))    rate=int(num(101)/10)    for _ in range(1,rate+1):        Entry(app,bg="blue",width=4).pack(side=LEFT)    for _ in range(rate,10):        Entry(app,width=4).pack(side=LEFT)Button(app,text="OK",command=bar).pack()app.mainloop()

Hope this works.