Update a Tkinter text widget as it's written rather than after the class is finished Update a Tkinter text widget as it's written rather than after the class is finished tkinter tkinter

Update a Tkinter text widget as it's written rather than after the class is finished

I don't know the details of Tkinter's concurrency, but fiddling around reveals that if you put


after each call to log.write, it updates on cue. You could give log a .flush() method to do that (like file handles have), or you could just make log.write call it after writing.

When you call sleep it causes your whole GUI to freeze. You must remember that your GUI runs an event loop, which is an infinite loop that wraps all your code. The event loop is responsible for causing widgets to redraw when they are changed. When a binding is fired it calls your code from within that loop, so as long as your code is running, the event loop can't loop.

You have a couple of choices. One is to call update_idletasks after adding text to the widget. This lets the event loop service "on idle" events -- things that are schedule to run when the program isn't doing anything else. Redrawing the screen is one such event, and there are others as well.

The other option is to run your functions in a thread or separate process. Because Tkinter isn't thread safe, these other threads or processes can't directly communicate with the GUI. What they must do is push a message onto a queue, and then your main (GUI) thread must poll the queue and pull messages off. It would be easy to build this code into your log class, and polling the queue can be done using the event loop -- just write a method that pulls messages off the queue and inserts them into the widget, the calls itself using after a few hundred milliseconds later.

You have to update your widget content by adding self.text.update() after self.text.insert(END,text)