using python drag & drop selected image segment using python drag & drop selected image segment tkinter tkinter

using python drag & drop selected image segment

As said in the comments:

Indentation is important!

Within the Example-class its initiation method this entire code-block is misaligned:

startframe = tk.Frame(root)canvas = tk.Canvas(startframe,width=1280,height=720)startframe.pack()canvas.pack()one = tk.PhotoImage(file=r'images/test1.gif') = one  # to prevent the image garbage collected.canvas.create_image((0,0), image=one, anchor='nw',tags="img1")self.canvas.tag_bind("img1", "<1>", self.on_token_press1)self.canvas.tag_bind("img1", "<1>", self.on_token_release1)self.canvas.tag_bind("token", "<B1-Motion>", self.on_token_motion1)

If I simply add a Tab to the indentation of the entire block I was able to run the OP's code without any problem.

Since the script requires a GIF file to be placed in images/test1.gif I downloaded and used this GIF: enter image description here

tkinter doesn't seem to actually play the gif (which isn't asked by the OP), but it does indeed show it.