ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '\x0e\xa3' Python ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '\x0e\xa3' Python tkinter tkinter

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '\x0e\xa3' Python

I think you should use struct module and unpack your binary data like this:

struct.unpack("h", x)

Because int is not really for working with binary data, but with hexadecimal strings like: EF1D.

When you did you received two bytes of binary data, there are two types of number representation supported by struct library: short(h) and unsigned short(H). Function struct.unpack receives two argument:

and returns a tuple with unpacked values(only one int in your case).

So you need to change string w=int(x, 16) to w = struct.unpack("h", x)[0] or to w = struct.unpack("H", x)[0], it depends on data type.