Windows progress bar in python's Tkinter Windows progress bar in python's Tkinter tkinter tkinter

Windows progress bar in python's Tkinter

If you are using a modern (2.7+) version of Tkinter you can try the ttk.ProgressBar which is part of Tkinter.

You can install the pyttk module separately.

from Tkinter import *import ttkroot = Tk()progressbar = ttk.Progressbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, length=200, mode='determinate')progressbar.pack(side="bottom")progressbar.start()root.mainloop()

As far as the taskbar functionality, that is not available in Tkinter yet (at least to the best of my knowledge). You'll need to make use of the Windows API for that. Although this question is for PyQt, the answers should prove helpful. Hope it gets you started.

The simplest solution would appear to be to use themed Tk with the tkinter.ttk module included in Python 2.7 and 3.1. The Progressbar widget is what you want.

Since you appear to be considering other frameworks you might look at Qt or wxWidgets which look native and have excellent Python bindings.