Angular 12 source map is missing in browser Angular 12 source map is missing in browser typescript typescript

Angular 12 source map is missing in browser

Angular 12 changed the default "ng build" to use the "production" configuration. You want "sourceMap" so try adding a "development" config in your angular.json like this

"development": {  "buildOptimizer": false,  "optimization": false,  "vendorChunk": true,  "extractLicenses": false,  "sourceMap": true,  "namedChunks": true}

Target with either "ng build -c development", or change your default configuration for "ng serve" eg.

"serve": {  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",  "options": {    "browserTarget": "app:build"  },  "configurations": {    "production": {      "browserTarget": "app:build:production"    },    "development": {      "browserTarget": "app:build:development"    }  },  "defaultConfiguration": "development"},

Please add:"sourceMap":true and "optimization":false under architect -> build-> options in your angular.json.

Do not forget to set these for your production configurations the other way around.

You can run the below command to update the angular cli. Hope it will fix the issue.

ng update @angular/cli@latest —-from=11 —-migrate-only