Angular 2 HTTP "Cannot resolve all parameters for 'AppService'" Angular 2 HTTP "Cannot resolve all parameters for 'AppService'" typescript typescript

Angular 2 HTTP "Cannot resolve all parameters for 'AppService'"

Seems like you are not using typescript compiler for transpiling files to js, In that case you need to have use @Inject while injecting any dependency inside a component constructor.

import {Injectable, Inject} from 'angular2/core';import {Http, Response} from 'angular2/http';import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';@Injectable()export class AppService {    constructor(@Inject(Http) private http: Http) { }    // Uses http.get() to load a single JSON file    getTableData() {        return this.http.get('...').map((res: Response) => res.json());    }}

Another way to do it, which saves some typing in the future would be:

in your tsconfig.json add compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata=true

example of simple tsconfig.json would be:

{  "compilerOptions": {    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,    "experimentalDecorators": true  }}

I had the same issue, and for me the problem was that i was missing import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http' in app.module.ts