angular mat-checkbox dynamically with ngModel angular mat-checkbox dynamically with ngModel typescript typescript

angular mat-checkbox dynamically with ngModel

Add [checked]="unit.checked" and remove ngModel, id and name from your mat-checkbox. This does one way binding when you load the page but to make the two way binding work you need to do something similar like this which i have done in my project:

Pass the $event on change and set the value in the component file manually:

Change your HTML to:

<div *ngFor="let unit of model.units">  <mat-checkbox [checked]="unit.checked"   (change)="valueChange(model.units,unit,$event)">       {{ }}  </mat-checkbox>                        </div>

Add this to Component file:

valueChange(model.units, unit, $event) {        //set the two-way binding here for the specific unit with the event        model.units[unit].checked = $event.checked;    }

EDIT/UPDATE: Found a solution recently for two way binding without handling it explicitly

Make sure model.units have a property for checked. This is the easiest way to add it:


this.model.units.forEach(item => {                       item.checked = false; //change as per your requirement                    });


 <div *ngFor="let unit of model.units;let i=index">    <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="unit.checked" [checked]="unit.checked"                                                                                        name="{{i}}-name">  //make sure name is unique for every item                                 </mat-checkbox></div>

If you want to control the enable/disable options as well try adding this:


this.model.units.forEach(item => {                       item.checked = false;//change as per your requirement                       item.disabled = true;//change as per your requirement                        });


<div *ngFor="let unit of model.units;leti=index">        <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="unit.checked" [checked]="unit.checked"         [disabled]="unit.disabled"                                                                                           name="{{i}}-name">//make sure name is unique for every item        </mat-checkbox>    </div>

This work for me tested in Angular 7.

Just to make sure that name is unique for each checkbox

<mat-grid-list cols="4" rowHeight="100px">                    <mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let item of aspNetRolesClaims" [colspan]="1" [rowspan]="1">                        <span>{{item.claimValue}}</span>                        <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="item.claimValue" name="{{item.claimType}}">{{item.claimType}}</mat-checkbox>                    </mat-grid-tile>                </mat-grid-list>

I tested in Angular 7 and I couldn't find any error given your question and you can see a working demo in this StackBlitz example, but here goes my answer.

In order to work you gotta give an unique name to your ngModel binded input.

Example taking your code:

<div *ngFor="let unit of model.units; let i=index">  <mat-checkbox     [(ngModel)]="model.units[i].checked"    id="units-{{i}}"     name="units-{{i}}" // using plain slug-case instead of array notation  >      {{ }}  </mat-checkbox>                        </div> 

I prefer not to use the array notation in these cases (units[{{i}}]), because it means that all fields are joined in the same thing, but as your code seems to work this is just a preference and not the cause of the error.