Angular Service singleton constructor called multiple times Angular Service singleton constructor called multiple times typescript typescript

Angular Service singleton constructor called multiple times

As you have declared the TestService as -

@Injectable({  providedIn: 'root'})

Which means you are adding to AppRoot module.

No need to add explicitly in the CoreModule, so remove from providers of CoreModule. Remove following -

providers: [    TestService  ]

As you are adding the TestSevice in CoreModule which is already added in RootModule that's the reason it constructor getting called multiple times.

So use either of one from above.

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})

  • The providedIn with root option means, the service is available throughout the application as singleton service.
  • It doesn't complain any error like No provider for xxxservice bcz of providedIn if you didn't added to providers list of any module.
  • If you do adding to the list will leads to creating a new instance of service, which will give you wrong results than expected.

NOTE : Please make sure to use the concept for better results.