Angular2 Cannot find namespace 'google' Angular2 Cannot find namespace 'google' typescript typescript

Angular2 Cannot find namespace 'google'

Angular 6 & 7 steps (should also work for every other Angular version):

  1. npm install @types/googlemaps --save-dev
  2. Add googlemaps to the types array in respectively in tsconfig.spec.json
  3. Restart npm server

In the end should look like this:

enter image description here

You can delete both declaration types from the components: import {} from '@types/googlemaps'; declare var google: any; You don't have to include any of them.

PS: If you are using agm-s GoogleMapsAPIWrapper.getNativeMap() you must convert the map object before you use it. For example turning on the traffic layer:

this.apiWrapper.getNativeMap().then(map => {    this.trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();    const gMap: any = map;    this.trafficLayer.setMap(gMap as google.maps.Map);});

I was facing the same problem I tried :

declare var google: any;

But it didn't work for me .
I found this answer and it worked for me .
First make sure you installed the typings for google maps
npm install @types/googlemaps --save --dev

--dev flag is deprecated. Use npm install @types/googlemaps --save-dev

And Then in your Controller

import {} from '@types/googlemaps';

To prevent more suffering of anyone else with this issue.

npm install @google/maps


import { google } from '@google/maps';

Basically we're importing the google object from the package @google/maps.

Tested in 2018 after @types/googlemaps stopped working.