Angular2 component's "this" is undefined when executing callback function Angular2 component's "this" is undefined when executing callback function typescript typescript

Angular2 component's "this" is undefined when executing callback function

Use the Function.prototype.bind function:

getMessages() {    this.apiService.getMessages(this.gotMessages.bind(this));}

What happens here is that you pass the gotMessages as a callback, when that is being executed the scope is different and so the this is not what you expected.
The bind function returns a new function that is bound to the this you defined.

You can, of course, use an arrow function there as well:

getMessages() {    this.apiService.getMessages(messages => this.gotMessages(messages));}

I prefer the bind syntax, but it's up to you.

A third option so to bind the method to begin with:

export class MainComponent {    getMessages = () => {        ...    }}


export class MainComponent {    ...    constructor(private apiService: ApiService) {        this.getMessages = this.getMessages.bind(this);    }    getMessages(){        this.apiService.getMessages(gotMessages);    }}

Or you can do it like this

gotMessages(messagesFromApi){    let that = this // somebody uses self     messagesFromApi.forEach((m) => {        that.messages.push(m) // or self.messages.push(m) - if you used self    })}

Because you're just passing the function reference in getMessages you don't have the right this context.

You can easily fix that by using a lambda which automatically binds the right this context for the use inside that anonymous function:

getMessages(){    this.apiService.getMessages((data) => this.gotMessages(data));}