Error in IE 11 browser - EXCEPTION: Object doesn't support property or method 'matches' , other browser it works fine Error in IE 11 browser - EXCEPTION: Object doesn't support property or method 'matches' , other browser it works fine typescript typescript

Error in IE 11 browser - EXCEPTION: Object doesn't support property or method 'matches' , other browser it works fine

I was facing same issue after I updated my project from Angular 5 to 6. I found a solution with help of Derek Brown's comment. The solution is to add the following in the polyfill.ts file:

if (!Element.prototype.matches) {  Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector;}

For those using Angular 6 and 7 (typescript) you should modify Sanjay Gupta's answer below with:

if (!Element.prototype.matches) {  Element.prototype.matches = (<any>Element.prototype).msMatchesSelector ||    Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;}

The casting (well, untyping, really) allows the transpiler to parse the undefined method.

It looks like IE implements the matches function using a non-standard name (source). That link includes a polyfill which will define the matches function so it can be used on IE.