Getting started - How to use Google maps api with angular-cli Getting started - How to use Google maps api with angular-cli typescript typescript

Getting started - How to use Google maps api with angular-cli

The agm project pointed by @Steve G. give a good starting point, but for some reason (like manage your own request policy) you may want to make your own typed wrapper.Here how I did it with Angular Cli :

First step :

npm i --save @types/googlemaps

Secondly add the types to your :

"types": ["googlemaps"]

Finally write your typescript :

//nothing to import here//Replace this by anything without an ID_KEYconst getScriptSrc = (callbackName) => {  return `${callbackName}`;}export class GMapService {  private map: google.maps.Map;  private geocoder: google.maps.Geocoder;  private scriptLoadingPromise: Promise<void>;  constructor() {        //Loading script        this.loadScriptLoadingPromise();        //Loading other components        this.onReady().then(() => {          this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();        });  }  onReady(): Promise<void> {    return this.scriptLoadingPromise;  }  initMap(mapHtmlElement: HTMLElement, options: google.maps.MapOptions): Promise<google.maps.Map> {    return this.onReady().then(() => {      return = new google.maps.Map(mapHtmlElement, options);    });  }  private loadScriptLoadingPromise() {    const script = window.document.createElement('script');    script.type = 'text/javascript';    script.async = true;    script.defer = true;    const callbackName: string = 'UNIQUE_NAME_HERE';    script.src = getScriptSrc(callbackName);    this.scriptLoadingPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve: Function, reject: Function) => {      (<any>window)[callbackName] = () => { resolve(); };      script.onerror = (error: Event) => { reject(error); };    });    window.document.body.appendChild(script);  }  /** Exemple of wrapped to promise API */  geocode(address: string | google.maps.GeocoderRequest): Promise<google.maps.GeocoderResult[]> {    return this.onReady().then(() => {      this.geocoder.geocode(typeof address == "google.maps.GeocoderRequest" ? address: {address: address},          (results: google.maps.GeocoderResult[], status: google.maps.GeocoderStatus) => {            if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {              return results;            } else {              throw new Error(status.toString());            }      });    });  });}

And so your map component will look like this :

@Component({  selector: 'app-gmap-wrapper',  template: '<div #map style="width:400px; height:300px">loading...</div>'})export class GMapWrapperComponent implements OnInit {    @ViewChild('map') mapRef: ElementRef;    constructor(private gmapService: GMapService) { }    ngOnInit() {      this.gmapService.initMap(this.mapRef.nativeElement, {        center: {lat: 1234.1234, lng: 1234.1234},        scrollwheel: true,        zoom: 8      });    }}

This code should be better without the namespace google.maps in prefix of all types. Maybe any suggestion ?

I also had troubles with AGM in componets, then i tried nu-maps and also there I had troubles.

So I used plain google api javascript and I think its better:

  • simple
  • good documented
  • not dependent of some guys who do not merge the pull requests
  • it works!