Handle a 500 response with the fetch api Handle a 500 response with the fetch api typescript typescript

Handle a 500 response with the fetch api

Working Solution

Combining then with catch works.

fetch('http://some-site.com/api/some.json')    .then(function(response) {                      // first then()      if(response.ok)      {        return response.text();               }      throw new Error('Something went wrong.');  })    .then(function(text) {                          // second then()    console.log('Request successful', text);    })    .catch(function(error) {                        // catch    console.log('Request failed', error);  });


fetch() returns a Promise containing a Response object. The Promise can become either fulfilled or rejected. Fulfillment runs the first then(), returns its promise, and runs the second then(). Rejection throws on the first then() and jumps to the catch().


MDN - Promise

MDN - Checking that the fetch was successful

Google - Introduction to Fetch